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import {Item} from './item.js';
import {Matrix4, Triangle, Plane, Vector3} from 'three';
 * A Floor Item is an entity to be placed related to a floor.
export class RoofItem extends Item
	constructor(model, metadata, geometry, material, position, rotation, scale, isgltf=false)
		super(model, metadata, geometry, material, position, rotation, scale, isgltf);
		this.allowRotate = false;
		this.boundToFloor = false;
				this.geometry.applyMatrix(new Matrix4().makeTranslation(-0.5 * (this.geometry.boundingBox.max.x + this.geometry.boundingBox.min.x), -0.5 * (this.geometry.boundingBox.max.y - this.geometry.boundingBox.min.y),-0.5 * (this.geometry.boundingBox.max.z + this.geometry.boundingBox.min.z)));
		this.halfSize = this.objectHalfSize();
		this.canvasPlaneWH.position.set(0, this.getHeight() * -0.5, this.getDepth()*0.5);
		this.canvasPlaneWD.position.set(0, -this.getHeight(), 0);

		var co = this.closestCeilingPoint();

	/** Returns an array of planes to use other than the ground plane
	 * for passing intersection to clickPressed and clickDragged */
		return this.model.floorplan.roofPlanes();

	roofContainsPoint(roof, forpoint)
			var g = roof.geometry;
			var result = {distance: Number.MAX_VALUE, contains: false, point: null, closestPoint: null};
			var closestPoint = null;
			for (var i=0;i< g.faces.length;i++)
					var f = g.faces[i];
					var plane = new Plane();
					var triangle = new Triangle(g.vertices[f.a], g.vertices[f.b], g.vertices[f.c]);
					var ipoint = new Vector3();
					var cpoint = new Vector3();
					var contains = false;
					var distance = 0.0;
					closestPoint = triangle.closestPointToPoint(forpoint, cpoint);
					plane.projectPoint(forpoint, ipoint);
					contains = triangle.containsPoint(ipoint);
					distance = plane.distanceToPoint(forpoint);
					if(distance < result.distance && contains)
							result.distance = distance;
							result.contains = contains;
							result.point = ipoint;
							result.closestPoint = closestPoint.clone();
			//No good result so return the closest point of the last triangle in this roof mesh
			if(result.point == null)
					result.closestPoint = closestPoint.clone();

			return result;

		var roofs = this.model.floorplan.roofPlanes();
		var roof = null;
		var globalResult = {distance: Number.MAX_VALUE, point: null};
		var result = null;
		for (var i=0;i< roofs.length; i++)
				roof = roofs[i];
				result = this.roofContainsPoint(roof, this.position);
				if(result.point !=null && result.distance < globalResult.distance && result.contains)
						globalResult.distance = result.distance;
						globalResult.point = result.point.clone();
		//No good results so assign the closestPoint of the last roof in the above iteration
		if(globalResult.point == null)
				return result.closestPoint.clone();
		return globalResult.point.clone();

	/** */
		if (!this.position_set)
			var co = this.closestCeilingPoint();